Your Parts Are in Good Hands at Micro-Tronics

At Micro-Tronics, we feel the need to debunk a serious misconception about our industry. When people think of manufacturing, they often imagine dark, dirty, dingy facilities with outdated, paper-based processes and antiquated machinery.

This is a far cry from what we are at MTI, and we’re eager to rewrite that narrative. We’re committed to modernizing our business and processes at every turn, ensuring that when customers entrust us with their projects, they’re met with efficiency, precision, and reliability. 

Discover how the systems and technology we’ve set in place have improved results across all our capabilities, from EDM services to custom elastomer molding services and beyond. 

Parts in good hands

MTI’s Culture of Continuous Improvement

OEMs increasingly seek partners who invest in themselves, coordinate and streamline processes, embrace efficiency, and leverage cutting-edge tools and technology. At MTI, we’ve embodied this forward-thinking approach and, in turn, have provided the following benefits:

  • Shorter lead times
  • Better pricing
  • Exceptional quality
  • On-time delivery

Let’s explore some of the systems we’ve implemented to streamline production at MTI.

New Product Introduction (NPI)

The MTI team implemented this process to respond to a pain point: the difficulty of learning the idiosyncrasies of a new part. Getting new parts and acquainting ourselves with new specs, quality standards, special processes, and approved vendor lists can feel like learning a whole new language.

To better respond to new parts coming in, our engineering team developed an NPI system that automatically recognizes and flags new part numbers. This ensures new parts are included in our NPI process where we can identify potential issues, and develop a strategy for making the part in a quality, timely manner. MTI’s NPI process ensures seamless integration of new projects into our workflow. By identifying possible issues upfront and devising clear game plans, our team streamlines production and guarantees adherence to customer requirements. 

Advanced Equipment

Since we utilize cutting-edge equipment, our customers feel confident that we’re handling parts efficiently and with exceptional lead times. 

In addition, the MTI team leverages three robots in our facility that help us run lights-out. This leads to efficiency and lead time compression, as we can continue running the machines after our people clock out for the day.

Scheduling Solutions

With over 2,000 unique parts numbers shipped annually from the MTI team, scheduling is paramount to our operations. Our recent adoption of advanced scheduling software has transformed our approach, providing real-time visibility into job statuses, machine and people allocations, and deadlines. This proactive approach ensures that no project falls through the cracks and that customer deadlines are consistently met.

Custom Dashboards

In-house custom dashboards located in each functional area further enhance our operational efficiency at MTI. These dashboards pull data directly from our ERP system, offering machinists, operators, and supervisors instant insight into job progress and due dates, allowing for swift adjustments as needed. 

These dashboards are updated every 60 seconds to ensure any changes from a customer are almost immediately shown to the shop floor so we can adjust on the fly.

Proactive Solutions for Custom Molded Elastomer Products

Whether it’s building our own custom dashboards, investing in the latest equipment and software, or implementing processes to respond agilely to pain points, Micro-Tronics is proactive in doing what it takes to streamline production and yield the best possible results for our customers.

Connect with the Micro-Tronics team to learn more about our processes and request a quote to begin our partnership.

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